If you want to find the best personal bank account, it will be easiest to use comparison websites in order to compare offers from all of the banks in Poland. Unfortunately, these comparison websites are only available in Polish. In this article I will provide you with all the necessary Polish banking vocabulary to enable you to find the best bank offers.

Banks in Poland: 13 banks worth your attention

First let’s find out which banks you should choose from. On the basis of general rankings of personal accounts I can tell you that there are 13 banks worth your attention.

Name English online banking system English support center Is PESEL required?
Alior Bank + +
Bank Zachodni WBK + +
BGŻ BNP Paribas + +
Crédit Agricole + either a PESEL or a permanent residency
Euro Bank +
Getin Bank +
Idea Bank
ING + +
mBank + +
Millenium Bank + +
Nest Bank
Raiffaisen POLBANK + +

Check out archive posts on your Facebook expat groups and you’ll find out that the service of some banks from above is judged poorly by the people who’ve been living in Poland for years. Fellow expats will tell you what kind of service level you can expect. My job is to show you how you can choose the most profitable offer using two different comparison websites: Depozaur and TotalMoney.



Visit this website.

Banks in Poland: Choose personal accounts

Banks in Poland: Choose personal accounts

  • Kredyty gotówkoweCash loans
  • Lokaty – Deposits
  • Kredyty hipoteczneMortgages
  • Konta osobistePersonal accounts

Choose Konta osobiste

Banks in Poland: Compare offers

Banks in Poland: Compare offers

  • Średnie saldo konta w miesiącuAverage monthly account balance
  • Jak obsługujesz konto?How do you use your account?
    • przez internetonline
    • przez telefon – by phone calls
    • w oddzialeat the branch
  • Tylko konta w wybranych bankachOnly in the chosen banks
    • WszystkieAll

Leave Wszystkie, then click on Porównaj (Compare).


Scroll up to the top of the website and click on Więcej kryteriów (More criteria).

Banks in Poland: more criteria

Banks in Poland: Click on More criteria

On the left side:

  • Liczba kart do kontaNumber of cards for the account
  • Przelewy wewnętrzneInternal transfers
  • Przelewy zewnętrzneExternal transfers
    • przez internetonline
    • przez telefon – via phone call
    • w oddziale – at the branch
  • Wypłaty z bankomatówATM withrawals
    • mojego bankuATMs of my bank
    • innego banku ATMs of another banks
    • za granicąabroad
  • Zlecenia stałestanding orders
    • wewnętrzne internal
    • zewnętrzneexternal

On the right side:

  • Tylko konta osobiste z darmową kartą debetowąOnly peronal accounts with a free debit card
  • Tylko konta osobiste z programem bonusowymOnly personal accounts with bonus programmes
  • Tylko konta osobiste z limitem kredytowymOnly personal accounts with the credit limit
  • Tylko konta osobiste bez opłaty za prowadzenieOnly personal accounts without account maintenance fees
  • Tylko konta młodzieżowe i studenckieOnly accounts for youth and students
  • Tylko oferty promocyjneOnly the promotional/discount offers
  • Tylko konta z damowymi bankomatami w PolsceOnly accounts with free ATMs in Poland
  • Tylko konta bankowe dostępne 100% online na TotalMoney.plOnly bank accounts that can be set up online via TotalMoney.pl – remember to check it off
Banks in Poland: More criteria

Banks in Poland: More criteria

Click on Porównaj.


Scroll down and make sure to skip the Promowane konta bankowe (Promoted bank accounts) part.

Banks in Poland: Add to comparison

Banks in Poland: Add to comparison

  • Sprawdź konto (Check out the account) will direct you to the website of the bank, so don’t click on it.
  • Szczegóły konta – Details of the account
  • Dodaj do porównania – Add to comparison


Choose 2-4 bank accounts by clicking on Dodaj do porównania  and then click on Porównaj on the bottom of your screen (as shown in the picture above).

You should see the following screen:

Banks in Poland: Comparison

Banks in Poland: Comparison

  • Oprocentowanie konta – Interest rate
  • Opłata za prowadzenie konta – Account maintenance fees
  • Opłata za wydanie karty do konta – Card issuing fee
  • Opłata za użytkowanie karty do konta – Card maintenance fees
  • Opłata za wydanie dodatkowej karty do kontaExtra/additional card issuing fee
  • Opłata za użytkowanie dodatkowej karty do konta – Extra/additional card maintenance fees
  • Opłata za przelew wewnętrzny – Cost of internal transfers
    • internetowyonline
    • w placówce bankuat the branch
    • telefoniczny – via phone call
  • Opłata za przelew zewnętrznyCost of external transfers
  • Opłata za wypłatę z bankomatuCost of ATM withdrawals
    • własnego Bankuof your bank
    • innego Bankuof other banks
    • za granicąabroad
  • Opłata za zlecenie stałeCost of standing orders
    • wewnętrzneinternal
    • zewnętrzneexternal
  • Opłata autoryzacyjna transakcjiFees for authorization of transactions
  • Autoryzacja transakcji internetowychOnline transactions authorization
  • Opłata za zamknięcie rachunkuFee for closing an account
  • Więcej informacjiMore information
  • Dodatkowe informacjeExtra details
  • Dostęp do kontaAccess to the account
  • Liczba bezpłatnych bankomatówNumber of free ATMs
  • Pakiet assistance do kontaAssistance packet (for example for minor repairs or car assistance)
  • Program bonusowy/cashbackCashback/Bonus programme
  • Limit kredytowy w koncieCredit limit on the account
  • Oferta promocyjnaPromo offer
  • Informacje dodatkoweExtra details

The set of categories may differ slightly in some cases. Take a screenshot and send it to me if you need further assistance. Anyway, it’s time to compare our results with the second website.



Go to this website.

Banks in Poland: Choose personal accounts in Depozaur

Banks in Poland: Choose personal accounts in Depozaur

  • Oferty finansowe dopasowane do CiebieFinancial offers tailored to you
  • Znajdź najlepsze…Find the best…
    • lokaty bankowebank deposits
    • konta oszczędnościowesavings accounts
    • konta osobistepersonal accounts
    • karty kredytowecredit cards
    • konta firmowe – corporate accounts

Click on konta osobiste.


On the next page you’re asked to describe your monthly needs and customs:

Banks in Poland: Describe your monthly needs and customs

Banks in Poland: Describe your monthly needs and customs

  • Płatności kartą Payment card transactions
  • WpływyProceeds/cash inflows
  • Wypłaty z bankomatówATM withdrawals
  • Nie chcę karty debetowejI don’t want a debit card


Click on Więcej opcji (More options).

Banks in Poland: More options in Depozaur

Banks in Poland: More options in Depozaur

  • Płatności kartąPayment card transactions
    • W sklepach spożywczychin grocery stores
    • W internecieonline
    • Na stacjach paliwat gas stations
    • Pozostałe płatnościother transactions
    • Ilość transakcji kartąthe number of payment card transactions
  • WpływyProceeds/cash inflows
    • WynagrodzenieRemuneration (for example salary)
    • Inne, dowolne wpływyother proceeds of any type
  • RachunkiBills
    • Rachunki za gazfor gas
    • prądfor electricity
    • internetfor Internet
    • telewizję for television
    • telefon for the phone
  • Wypłaty z bankomatów ATM withdrawals
    • Euronet
    • Planet Cash
    • PKO BP
    • BZWBK
    • Inne bankomatyother ATM
  • Twój wiekyour age


Scroll down and check out the list.

Banks in Poland: Results

Banks in Poland: Results

  • Konto Account
  • KartaCard
  • WięcejMore
  • Bonus za (otwarcie konta)Bonus for (opening the account)
  • WybierzChoose


Banks in Poland: Further details

Banks in Poland: Further details

At this point you can check whether both websites suggest the same bank accounts. I cannot translate a detailed description scheme of Depozaur (as I did with TotalMoney) because on this website every every bank is described differently. If you’d like to check details on Depozaur you should either ask a Polish speaker for assistance, or contact bank consultants.


You may try to set up an account online by clicking on Wybierz. For example on the website of Millenium Bank you’ll be able to switch the language to English and go through the registration process, but only if you have a PESEL. I’m guessing, though, that you’ll prefer to set up an a account at the branch, especially that many banks don’t let foreigners register online, so we can say that you’re done with Depozaur at this point.


As you see it’s not that difficult to choose your bank wisely, even when you don’t speak Polish. If you already have had experiences with any Polish bank account, please share them in the comments. Your opinion and experience will help the future readers of this article to choose their banks.

You will find more useful articles in the Just After Moving to Poland category

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