It is this Sunday – August 15, Poles will celebrate a special day. On this occasion, JAP would like to explain to you what this holiday is.

Poles celebrate the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, also known as the feast of Our Lady of Herbs.

Catholics commemorate one of the dogmas of their faith, which says that after her death Mary was taken into the heaven both her body and the soul. However, the festival is commonly known as Our Lady of Herbs, protector of lush vegetation and crops. The faithful bring to the temple hand-made wreaths and bouquets made mostly of herbs, grains, and wildflowers. However, what some enthusiasts add to their works is even fruits, such as apples and plums, and branches of shrubs.

From all parts of Poland, Catholics make pilgrimages to Częstochowa – a city of religious worship where the Holy Image of Our Lady of Częstochowa is located. August 15 is a key date – it is this day that is the end of their hardships and sacrifices during the walk to Częstochowa, where the main celebrations related to this holiday take place.

The longest walking pilgrimage starts from Hel in the north of Poland and lasts over 2 weeks – the pilgrims have over 530 kilometers to go. In every village and place where pilgrims stay, they are welcomed with joy as they proclaim good and peace.

August 15 is not only a religious holiday, but also a public holiday – the holiday of the Polish Army.

The Polish Army Day is celebrated in Poland on August 15 since 1992. They were established in memory of the victorious Battle of Warsaw in 1920, known as the Miracle on the Vistula. Many historians consider it to be one of the most important in the history of the world, as the victory of the Poles allowed to stop the Soviet invasion of entire Central Europe.

On this occasion, various ceremonies and parades are held in many places and the soldiers who died at that time are honored.

If August 15 falls on a working day, that is, from Monday to Friday, the day is a non-working day. If it falls out on Saturday, the employees have another day off fully paid. However, if August 15 falls on a Sunday, which is the case this year, an additional day off is not due.

JAP wishes you a peaceful celebration next Sunday!

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