If you lived in Poland on the 31 March 2021, you are obliged to participate in the national census – you may pay a fine of 5000zł if you don’t do so. Deadline is the 30 September.
What is the National Census?
The census is a survey about all the people living in Poland. Every ten years, information about the population is gathered for statistical reasons. The last census took place in 2011. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Census_in_Poland
The following are obliged to take part in the national census (narodowy spis powszechny):
- Everyone who lived in Poland on the 31 March 2021: permanent and temporary residents, and homeless people
- if on the 31 March 2021 you were abroad, but are registered (zameldowanie) in Poland.
Everyone needs to be written down in the census only once. For example: you will be asked with whom you live in your household – if you mention them (your partner, your kids, your roommate), they don’t need to fill out the census anymore. So usually one person per household needs to fill out the census.
The main way to participate is the following website: https://nsp2021.spis.gov.pl/#/login?redirect=%2Fobligations
You can choose the language: Polish, English, Russian, Ukrainian.
You need a profil zaufany (EPUAP), or your PESEL number and surname and information about your parents.
More information
Official website: https://spis.gov.pl/
Official how-to guidelines in English: https://spis.gov.pl/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Guidelines-for-the-internet-self-census-in-English.pdf
Official how-to guidelines in Polish: https://spis.gov.pl/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/NSP2021_instrukcja-do-samospisu_jezyk-polski.pdf
Official how-to guidelines in Russian: https://spis.gov.pl/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/ru1.pdf
Official how-to guidelines in Ukrainian: https://spis.gov.pl/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/ukr1.pdf
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