The ePUAP platform can save you a lot of time – it allows online communication with public administration. You can submit electronic documents, for instance your tax declaration, register your address (“zameldowanie”), replace your old driving license, register a new company in CEIDG, register a new car, and many more – online from home, without the need to go to the tax office or city hall.
In order to use ePUAP, you need to have a “trusted profile” (“profil zaufany”). Let’s see how you can get one!
How to create a Trusted Profile in the ePUAP platform?
1. Create an account on the ePUAP platform (
Go to ePUAP > Tab – Get registered

2. Log in to the created account.
ePUAP > Tab – Log in

3. Fill in an application for creating a trusted profile.
ePUAP> Tab – My account >

My trusted profiles >

Submit your application for a trusted profile.
4. Send the application.
E-mail – Confirm sending the application
5. Go to your confirmation point to verify your identity.
Once you have performed steps 1-4, you have to go to a confirmation point. You can find the addresses of all the confirmation points here: At the confirmation point, you will need your ID or passport so that your identity can be validated.

If you don’t speak Polish: before you go to the confirmation point, print out the following text, and take it with you (and don’t forget your ID or passport):
Dzień dobry,
Nazywam się XXXXXXX. Nie mówię po polsku.
Przyszłam potwierdzić profil zaufany E-puap. Wniosek jest już wypełniony online na stronie rządowej więc trzeba go tylko potwierdzić.
The text above says [Good day, My name is XXXX. I don’t speak Polish. I came here to confirm my E-puap trusted profile. The application is already submitted, it only needs to be validated.]. Replace the XXXXXXX with your name!
After you have performed steps 1-4, you can go with this paper to a confirmation point to validate your identity (step 5).
Once your identity is validated, you will have your Trusted Profile and will be able to use the ePUAP platform.
ePUAP website:
Addresses of the confirmation points:
Addresses of confirmation points in some Polish cities.
Really useful – thanks. My bank (ING) messed up with registering me and could not fix it so I closed the account, opened a new account with Millennium and for some reason they would not arrange my Profile Zaufany either. I had long put off going to the government office to get the profit zaufany confirmed. I went along today to the office in Krakow (Basztowa 22) with the prepared text you provided and everything was resolved within 3 minutes maximum. It was probably my best experience at any public office in any country, in any language. The lady helping spoke English and only asked for passport and PESEL. Note that she wanted to see my official paper which shows the granting of the PESEL, so not just for me to tell her the number.