The ePUAP platform can save you a lot of time – it allows online communication with public administration. You can submit electronic documents, for instance your tax declaration, register your address (“zameldowanie”), replace your old driving license, register a new company in CEIDG, register a new car, and many more – online from home, without the need to go to the tax office or city hall.

In order to use ePUAP, you need to have a “trusted profile” (“profil zaufany”). Let’s see how you can get one!

How to create a Trusted Profile in the ePUAP platform?

1. Create an account on the ePUAP platform (
Go to ePUAP > Tab – Get registered

epuap register screenshot 1

2. Log in to the created account.
ePUAP > Tab – Log in

epuap login screenshot

3. Fill in an application for creating a trusted profile.
ePUAP> Tab – My account >

epuap login profil zaufany screenshot

My trusted profiles >

register profil zaufany screenshot

Submit your application for a trusted profile.

4. Send the application.
E-mail – Confirm sending the application

5. Go to your confirmation point to verify your identity.
Once you have performed steps 1-4, you have to go to a confirmation point. You can find the addresses of all the confirmation points here: At the confirmation point, you will need your ID or passport so that your identity can be validated.

find epuap confirmation point screenshot

If you don’t speak Polish: before you go to the confirmation point, print out the following text, and take it with you (and don’t forget your ID or passport):

Dzień dobry,

Nazywam się XXXXXXX. Nie mówię po polsku.
Przyszłam potwierdzić profil zaufany E-puap. Wniosek jest już wypełniony online na stronie rządowej więc trzeba go tylko potwierdzić.


The text above says [Good day, My name is XXXX. I don’t speak Polish. I came here to confirm my E-puap trusted profile. The application is already submitted, it only needs to be validated.]. Replace the XXXXXXX with your name!

After you have performed steps 1-4, you can go with this paper to a confirmation point to validate your identity (step 5).

Once your identity is validated, you will have your Trusted Profile and will be able to use the ePUAP platform.

ePUAP website:
Addresses of the confirmation points:

Addresses of confirmation points in some Polish cities.











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